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Sunflower meal

Sunflower meal - a source of plant protein at an affordable price

obraz prezentujący śrutę słonecznikową
Sunflower meal

Sunflower meal is a very affordable source of vegetable protein in feed. It is a by-product of the production of sunflower seed oil. It has a relatively high nutritional value, which is successfully used in feeding farm animals.

Wealth of protein

Sunflower meal protein has a rich amino acid composition - contains more lysine and methionine than other types of meal. It is a partial substitute for soybean meal. It can be used in feeding many groups of farm animals, although due to the high proportion of raw fiber it has limited application in feeding the youngest animals.

The use of sunflower meal brings many benefits. This is not only a big savings for breeders, but also a noticeable increase in animal weight and better feed intake. Sunflower meal provides easily digestible protein to animals, which has a positive effect on their overall well-being.

Oil pressing

Depending on whether the oil is obtained from dehulled seeds or not, the extracted sunflower meal found on the market has a varied nutritional value. The technology of obtaining oil and the temperature of its pressing are important. Excessive discharge temperature causes the absorption of amino acids in the feed.

Trusted seller

Professional employees of our company will be happy to share your knowledge with you and advise you on choosing the right forage. Our strength is the DEKRA certificate, which is a global leader in the areas of certification, product testing, investment supervision and personnel development. It is also a leader in services for industry and technical acceptance.

We strive to meet all our clients' expectations, which is why we treat each order individually. In order to meet the expectations of our clients, we cooperate with reliable suppliers and specialists in our industry. We have introduced detailed monitoring of its individual stages to the production process. The high quality of products is guaranteed by professional management systems that are constantly updated.

Our offer includes not only sunflower meal, but also various types of NON GMO feed, thanks to which you will be able to avoid using feed components derived from genetically modified plants. You will be able to use only natural feed of plant and animal origin. In this way, we contribute to the development of a multi-annual program to increase the use of domestic feed protein for the production of high quality animal products in conditions of sustainable development.

Analytical components of our sunflower meal